Blackjack and his Wildlife Groupies

Talk about a photogenic cat! We have an exotic Bengal cat named Blackjack that's about 12 years old and really makes for some great photos. I've had him since he was a little kitten, and now he's grown into a 20 + lb. spotted cat that loves attention. He's strictly a housecat - we don't let him outside. That hasn't stopped him from looking out every window at the outdoors and all the wildlife that passes through the yard. We are surrounded by woods, and he doesn't let anything get by unnoticed! A lot of deer pass through, and I like taking pictures of them with Blackjack in the foreground as he watches them through the windows. He's made friends with turtles, squirrels, other cats, rabbits, snakes, foxes, and countless birds. Of course the birds drive him crazy since he can't get to them, poor kitty. He talks to them, and if you've ever heard a cat "chatter" when they watch a bird out the window, it's quite comical. I've posted several of the pictures I have of him and his "groupies" below. Enjoy!

Click here for more pictures of Blackjack